
Node JS
Express JS

Current Interests:


Soft Skills:

  • Team Oriented - Truly appreciates the opportunity to keep team morale high while collaborating with and learning from others
  • Self-motivated - Always driven and eager to learn while completing tasks
  • Creative - Enjoys exploring new ideas and/or approaches, and finding innovative ways to utilize them together
  • Communicative - Native English speaker effective in both written and spoken English (Current Spanish level: Basic)
  • Calm under pressure - Easy going and as cool as a cucumber


Hello! I am a Full-Stack Web Developer from the USA and currently living in Barcelona, Spain. My personal history is full of variety and change. I originally attended the Art Institute of Pittsburgh, where I studied Media Arts and animation. Next, I studied at a hospital and became involved in the nursing field. I enjoyed it so much that I stayed within that field, growing and changing positions for 10+ years. I grew skilled in anticipating the needs of others, considering accessibility, communication, presentations, expanding my creativity, solving problems, working with a team or alone, explaining complex things in an understandable manner, time management, active-listening, learning to be flexible, adapting to and being open to other cultures and customs, learning about the business, and etc. Then, with COVID, came change. I really wanted to learn something new and continue growth. So, I studied welding (Stick, MIG, and TIG if you are curious) with various materials and acquired multiple certifications through completion of proctored welding test.

After getting married and moving to Spain, I saw, yet, another opportunity to grow my knoweledge and expand my skillset and it was within the tech sector. I have always loved technology and as a child, I watched my father build computers from nothing for fun. As an adult, I had dabbled with HTML and CSS but did not have the time or the resources required to truly explore in the way that I wanted to. Finally, I had a chance to deep dive into this field, and I took it. I studied at Epicode for six months to become a full-stack developer. I have come a long way ( you can see my first portfolio attempt before the course: here). Now, not only do I have a firm understanding of Javascript libraries and frameworks, but I also have gained an understanding of project management philosophies such as AGILE and methodologies like SCRUM.

Please consider my history as you consider my candidacy for employment as it shows that I not only adapt with change... it shows that I thrive, and this field is one of consistent change.

C urtney
Hampt n-Th mas

Full Stack Developer



ReciGuard web view
ReciGuard Responsive View

ReciGuard is a Full-Stack App constructed with JavaScript, React, Redux, Bootstrap, Express, Node, MongoDB, and more. This app was my capstone project for Epicode. I had four weeks to construct the entire Front-End and Back-End. I constructed Schemas, APIs, Authorization, and Encryption on the BE. The User is able to create/edit recipes after creating an account using google OAuth or traditional login/register. Also the user can plan meals and create shoppinglist based off of planned meals. Feel free to check out the demo or code!

WeatherNow App

Weather App web view
Weather App Responsive View

This Single Page App was built with React and Redux. Weather data is fetched using a weather API. User can find weather in a given city and can save that city for later. User can also choose to view the weather in Fahrenhieght or Celsius. Note: this app is not connected to a backend, so saved cities do not survive a refresh.

Music Quiz

Music quiz App web view
Music quiz App Responsive View

Built with the basics: HTML, CSS, and vanilla JavaScript. I built this music quiz for fun because I love music. User can take this short 12 question quiz to assess their level of pop music knowledge. The user has 10 seconds to answer each question and score is tracked throughout. At the end, a total percentage is calculated and displayed for the user.

Team Generator

LinkedIn Clone App web view
Weather App Responsive View

This web app was built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This app divides a number of names into even teams. User can add names to a list, decide how many teams they would like, and with the press of one button, assign those names to the teams randomnly.

LinkedIn Clone

LinkedIn web view
LinkedIn web view

This LinkedIn clone was a one week build challenge in which I was one of three members of a team. We utilized React, Bootstrap, CSS, JavaScript, MongoDB and etc. I built the majority of the Backend and managed to work on CSS for the navigation bar, left side of the home page and the entire user page. Please check out the code!

Spotify Clone

Spotify web view

This Spotify Clone was a team build challenge in which we needed to replicate Spotify using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and consume APIs from DEEZER. There were Three of us and we each took a page. I was responsible for the Artist Page and helped my teamates if they stuggled. This was completed within a week

NetFlix Clone

Netflix web view

This Netflix was built with React with a time limit of one afternoon. It was one of my first introductions to React and utilizing reusable components. I am using a IMDB API to fetch the movies.


Weather App web view
Weather App Responsive View

You are inside of a demo! My portfolio is built with simple HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. In a world where everyone is building their portfolio with React, I wanted to get back to basic DOM manipulation and custom animations. Feel free to check out my code.